Functions of the Port Authority
Port Authority is the body within general accountability for a port. It is a government commission that manages bridges, tunnels, airports, and other such services of a port or city. Most port authorities are financially self-supporting. In addition to owning land, setting fees, and sometimes levying taxes, port districts can also operate shipping terminals, airports, railroads, and irrigation facilities.
The port Authority performs the following functions,
- Creating and developing the base structure and infrastructure of the port for better export and import.
- Making proper arrangement for the passengers.
- Providing better facilities for the vehicles to enter for load/ and load exiting.
- Providing storage facilities for the products before loading and after unloading.
- Maintaining safety and security of the vehicles.
- Directing the port according to the Govt. law.
- Basic port infrastructure is immobile and has few alternative uses.
- Collection of charges and fees for the use of the port’s facilities and commercial services.