Modern Civilization

Possibility of Life on Mars

Possibility of Life on Mars

Possibility of Life on Mars

Life on Mars is yet a matter of research for scientists. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. It is also known as the Red Planet and is right next to earth in the solar system. It is positioned just next to Earth and thus scientists and astronomers believe that there could be a possibility of life on this planet just as our planet. A major reason for this interest is due to the similarity and proximity of the planet to Earth. The evidence about the presence of water and oxygen on Mars has raised hopes about the probability of life on Mars.

Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is said to have certain similarities with Earth when it comes to its atmosphere. The atmosphere of air on Mars is mostly carbon dioxide. This may be because of its proximity to our planet. This planet has been studied more than any other in the solar system. It is believed by many that there are too many factors such as UV radiation and extreme temperature environments that could inhibit a life-form on Mars. Every now and then there is news about new evidence indicating the probability of life on the red planet.

The first evidence of life on Mars was found as early as the 19th century. However, it is not as habitat-able as on Earth for humans to survive or breathe. Since then the planet has caught the interest of scientists and astronomers around the world. One notable example is the presence of methane in Mars’s atmosphere. Numerous research operations have been conducted to find out whether life exists on Mars or if it ever did or can. Most noteworthy, scientists have no idea where the methane is coming from. Researchers claim that Mars is quite like our planet Earth when it comes to its atmosphere although it gets much colder. Therefore, a possibility arises that methane presence is due to microbes existing deep below the planet’s surface.

Though oxygen is present on the planet its environment is not considered fit for human inhabitation. Another major problem is the gravity of Mars. Most noteworthy, the gravity on Mars is 38% to that of Earth. Low gravity can cause health problems like muscle loss and bone demineralization. While there has been evidence of liquid water on Mars in the past, today most of the water on the planet is locked in its polar ice caps. Most noteworthy, water discovered on Mars is less than that on Earth’s driest desert. This has resulted in the planet’s land becoming barren. The curiosity rover that was sent to the red planet recently helped in exploring the planet further. Other problems include the high penetration of harmful solar radiation due to the lack of ozone layer. The rover dug some land on Mars and discovered three different kinds of organic molecules on the planet which indicates the possibility of some kind of life form on the planet. Furthermore, global dust storms are common throughout Mars. Also, the soil of Mars is toxic due to the high concentration of chlorine.

Whether Mars is or will ever be fit for inhabiting is a question that is still likely to take several decades to answer. Whether fantasy or not, it is the wish of many that one day man will be able to step on Mars comfortably. Numerous researches have already taken place in this regard and many others are going on. Life on Mars definitely sounds a very interesting topic to dig further on. I really wish we get some crucial evidence on life on Mars soon.