Informational reports consist of the only presentation of information detailed conversation and analysis are not provided. These reports provide data, facts, response, and other types of information without analysis or recommendations. These reports are small in size.
The analytical report provides a comprehensive conversation on the basis of the analyzed data. These reports offer both information and analysis, but they also include recommendations. Unlike an informational report, this type of report includes recommendations.
Differences between Informational and Analytical Reports –
On the basis of use, reports are classified as Informational report and Analytical report. These reports differ in a variety of ways. Some of the distinctions between them are presented below:
Informational report
- Definition: An informational report is one that contains details information without analysis or recommendation. It is the report prepared from, the information gathered from the investigation is known as an informational report.
- Objective: The objective of an informational report is to carry information from one area of business to another. This type of report is going to just show the facts about a subject.
- Readers/users: Officers, a board of directors and stockholders of the company usually read such a report. Report writing structure is not followed here.
- Example: Annual reports, progress reports, statement of policies and procedures, etc are the examples of the informational report.
- Length: Length of an informational report is relatively short. It is comparatively, small in size.
- Importance: Informational reports are not much important for decision making.
- Recommendation: Recommendations are not provided by this type of report. Generally, there is no recommendation from the reporter.
- Proficiency of the reporter: Preparation of an informational report requires clerical efficiency. Here reporter doesn’t have the scope to add his opinion or personal opinion.
- Decision making: Since informational report presents information without analysis and interpretation, it is less helpful in making an instant decision. The decision is not helpful Making because there is no recommendation in such a report.
Analytical report
- Definition: Analytical report is one that presents, analyzes, interprets information and makes recommendations on complex and critical problems. It is the report prepared after analyzing the investigated information is known- as analytical report
- Objective: Objective of the analytical report is to solve problems. This type of report is going to include both negative and positive aspects of a subject, with an opinion included.
- Readers/users: Top-level management is the target reader of the analytical report. Report writing structure is followed here, strictly.
- Example: Examples of analytical reports are suggestion reports, recommendations reports, justification reports, etc.
- Length: Analytical report has the maximum length. It is comparatively large in size with quantitative and qualitative analysis.
- Importance: Analytical reports have immense importance in decision making.
- Recommendation: Recommendations are an indispensable part of the analytical report. A recommendation is essentially required here from the reporter.
- Proficiency of the reporter: In order to prepare an analytical report, the reporter must have analytical and interpretative knowledge. Here reporter can add his personal opinion to the report.
- Decision making: Since analytical report interprets information and makes recommendations, it is useful in making an instant decision. As there is analysis and recommendation exists in such report, executives can take the decision from such a report.