


Biogeography is the study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time. It is a branch of geography that studies the past and present distribution of the world’s many animal and plant species and is usually considered to be a part of physical geography as it often relates to the examination of the physical environment and how it affected species and shaped their distribution across the world.

The interface between physical geography and human geography has lead to the development of Biogeography which includes:

  • Plant Geography which studies the spatial pattern of natural vegetation in their habitats.
  • Zoo Geography which studies the spatial patterns and geographic characteristics of animals and their habitats.
  • Ecology /Ecosystem deals with the scientific study of the habitats characteristic of species.
  • Environmental Geography concerns world over leading to the realization of environmental problems such as land gradation, pollution, and concerns for conservation has resulted in the introduction of this new branch in geography.